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Leave the roller-coaster behind and find a steady path forward...

   Learn to make introversion a valuable asset    as you create a life that honors your nature.


I'm Ready!

Too many people I know have found themselves struggling to accommodate a go-go-go culture and winding up exhausted.


They put on their game face in the morning and head into a day of interaction and activity with too few breaks to catch their breath. By the time they lay their heads on the pillow at night, they are depleted.


The next morning, they do it all over again.

They can keep up this pace for a while, but eventually they find themselves utterly worn down.

Before I understood introversion,
I fell into this trap.

As a student,
then a teacher,
and then a mom of three,

I found myself trying to find just a little more energy from somewhere in order to make it through my week.

Because I’d received messages about being too quiet, I felt as though I was somehow deficient when my battery was flickering on low.

That sense of shame about not being enough prevented me being honest about the impact of my schedule on my energy level.


I just tried harder. That approach didn’t work.

It was like staggering off a roller coaster and then riding it all over again.

Do any of these stories
sound familiar?

Beryl is a marketing manager

whose best kept secret is that she loves her job but can hardly stand her office space.


The open concept floor plan of her company means that she’s interrupted frequently.

Even when she’s not being actively sought out, Beryl finds the noise around her to be draining.

She ends up doing her work at home where she can concentrate, but that leaves her only small fragments of time for her family, let alone herself.

Lately, she’s found it more and more difficult to get out of bed in the morning. She’s been wondering how much longer she can keep up this pace.

Zach is a student

who finds himself drained at the end of long days of classes.

His friends want him to come out with them in the evenings. They seem to have unlimited energy!

Often, Zach gives in and goes along, even though he knows he’ll be absolutely exhausted the next day.

Zach is almost relieved when he comes down sick because he finally feels as though he has a legitimate excuse to avoid the whirlwind of activity and rest for a while.

Johann’s technical prowess 
has earned him a promotion.


New to his managerial position, Johann has been taking his cues from the person who did the job before him.

Rhonda, the former manager, was always on the go—talking to her direct reports, holding meetings that ran for hours, and networking with other senior leaders.

After six weeks in his new role, Johann is ready to quit or ask for his former job back.

He just can’t manage in the same style that Rhonda did, and—if he’s honest with himself—he doesn’t want to.

He knows that he has valuable skills to share, but if the only way to keep his managerial title is to act a role that exhausts him, he doesn’t want it.  

While these anecdotes are fictional, I hear similar ones all the time.

Each of the above individuals is suffering needlessly—feeling like they can’t keep up and wondering what is wrong with them.

The good news is that what they are experiencing
is completely normal.


Once they understand the very real ways in which introversion affects them, they’ll be able to find new approaches that allow them to feel good about their unique strengths and needs.

Yes, I Need This!

Learning about introversion
changed my life.

All of a sudden, I had explanations for why I was drained by noisy environments and long, interactive days.

There was nothing wrong with me after all!

In fact, my reflective nature became my best asset as I learned to pinpoint what I needed to do in order to find a steady path forward that eliminated the crashes I’d come to expect.

As someone who took years to understand introversion, I am invested in sharing what I know with others like me.


I spent far too long neglecting my needs instead of working with my strengths. I’d like to save you the cost of constant energy depletion. I gradually learned to factor my introverted nature into my decisions, crafting an approach to my life that works for me. What a difference it has made!

As part of my journey, I discovered the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)®. Its insights were so helpful—especially its revelations about introversion—that I became a Master Practitioner of the MBTI® and a corporate trainer who specializes in its use.



For over a decade, I have worked with international corporations, educational institutions, government departments, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals from many walks of life.


One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is helping people discover how to validate and work with their introverted preferences rather than ignore or stifle them.

I have seen the recognition in people’s faces when I explain how introversion can impact a person’s daily life.

When they make connections to their sense of overwhelm, it’s as though a light comes on. As they apply strategies to better honor their needs, they are able to move forward from a place of calm confidence.

Clients have shared stories of negotiating better work conditions, having meaningful conversations with loved ones, and finding peace within themselves after applying the principles I shared.

Their clarity enabled their colleagues and partners to became allies who understand what allows people with introverted preferences to flourish.


I’m confident that this course can open up a new way forward for you—one that avoids the roller-coaster pattern of over-functioning followed by crashing and leads you instead toward a state of calm and steady energy that’s sustainable. 

Over and over, I have been asked for advice about how to understand, accept, and communicate with others about the qualities of introversion.

As a way of making these insights more accessible, I have created an online, self-paced course...


The Just Right Introverted Life.  


You are warmly invited to join the many people just like you who have discovered how to honor their introverted preferences in order to create a schedule that feels just right.

Who this Course is for...

If you already have a keen understanding of introversion, and you're able to communicate your needs while maintaining your energy level at a steady state, this course may not be for you.

Its specific purpose is to share insights about introversion that help you build self-understanding, customize your schedule to accommodate your needs, and communicate your perspective clearly with others. 


As a master practitioner of the MBTI®, I offer the unique benefit of helping you see how other aspects of your personality impact your energy levels through the day.

Here’s what you’ll take away from each session:


  • examine some myths about introversion
  • hear how the definition of introversion has begun to change
  • identify messages you’ve received about your introverted preferences
  • consider how you would like to view yourself and be understood by others

Module One:

Understanding Introversion

  • find out what brain scans on introverts reveal
  • learn about how extraverts’ brain scans differ from introverts’ scans
  • discover why overly busy environments tire you out
  • reflect on what settings have been too much or just right for you

Module Two:

Observing Introversion in Action 

  • understand the impact of your need to reflect
  • recognize the importance of selecting your social interactions carefully
  • validate your need to protect your energy level
  • identify experiences that have been draining versus energizing

Module Three:

Tuning In 

  • access self-compassion
  • using the MBTI®, discover how other aspects of your nature interact with your introverted needs
  • consider your stye of information-gathering, decision-making, and orienting yourself to your tasks
  • evaluate how the week’s activities depleted or rejuvenated you

Module Four:

Turning the Dial 

  • identify aspects of your schedule that you would like to adjust
  • hear stories of how others have adapted their approaches to their work and personal lives to find more time to renew themselves
  • develop creative possibilities regarding shifting your activities so they better meet your needs
  • strategize about some changes you can make to care for yourself

Module Five:

Celebrating Your Style 

  • learn to recognize that your best qualities are rooted in your inner life
  • take into account the energy required when you are interacting in the world
  • transform negative beliefs about introversion to appreciative statements of your nature
  • use your new perspective to create an accurate description of your strengths

Module Six:

Communicating with Confidence

  • draw on your knowledge and strengths to communicate effectively
  • reflect on your BATNA when preparing to make a request
  • find comparisons that make your perspectives clear
  • learn how to use my ASC system to build healthy conversations
Each module contains a video along with a script of the content.
Worksheets allow you to apply the content right away.


You can move through the course at your own speed,
taking as much time as you like with each session.

The content is streamlined and practical so you can take take positive steps without delay.


Best of all, the course is designed with an introvert’s strengths in mind.


Your ability to reflect is an asset that you can harness to your advantage
once you have the knowledge you need.

Yes, I Need This!

The Just Right Introverted Life

Just $39 CAD

For a fraction of the cost of one counselling session, you can precisely address how introversion impacts you.

That choice will ripple out to affect your everyday life.

Follow the steps that have empowered others to achieve a newfound sense of spaciousness and peace.


Frequently Asked Questions

I have seen first-hand how knowing and applying the content for this course can transform people’s lives for the better, but if you do not find the course helpful, just email me within the first 60 days of purchase, and you will receive 100% of your money back.

No questions asked!

Learning about introversion and taking action to honor my own needs and strengths has been life-changing!

My work, my relationships, and my commitment to myself have all been transformed.

Now I have the delight of helping others experience the joy and relief of validating their introversion and creating a life that fits them better.


I want the same for you. Please join us!

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